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 Emily was home-educating mother of five and owner of the most joyful personality. She was also a dear friend whom I had the privilege of getting to know and love over our two-year friendship. 

On December 22nd, 2020, Emily passed away unexpectedly in her home, after having a sudden pulmonary embolism, while pregnant with her fifth child. Losing Emily so abruptly brought a lot of pain to everyone close to her, but because she had placed her faith in Jesus, we rejoice in the hope of meeting her in Heaven someday. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Emily shared an abundance of joy and encouragement over on her Instagram account @thehiddenway and I'd like to share one of my favorite posts of her's with you below:

"Homeschooling is a lifestyle....You’ve heard that, right?⁣

It’s an approach to life that embraces moments over monotony. Experiences over an endless stuffing of information. Breaks over breakdowns. Creating over cramming.⁣

When we decided to homeschool, we were saying yes to family unity and schedule autonomy. We were saying yes to different paces and styles of learning. Yes to the freedom to explore interests and to live out ideas.⁣

When we said yes to homeschooling, we were saying yes to a slower pace. As the world blows by and society tells you do this do that - we were standing our ground and guarding our time.⁣

These years are fleeting. There will be SO much time for the pressures of life to encroach on their hearts. I want them to have a childhood that savors time..that isn’t rushed. That gives them the opportunity to be bored..and to then reach deep into their souls and pull out a creativity that can so easily be made dormant. I want them to discover who they are without the pressure to conform to the world around them. ⁣

I want them to create and believe and imagine and dream. ⁣

And I want to make sure that when they do, someone is there to listen and to say YES.....KEEP GOING.⁣" - Emily Mitchell the.hidden.way




Free flashcard download of some of Emily's encouraging words to the homeschool community.

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