SAMPLE Blue Jay Nature Study
Here's a peek at our Brand New Blue Jay unit! This fun Sample pack of our newest Bird of the Month unit includes activities for the whole family! Click HERE to see the full unit!
This freebie includes 15 pages of beautiful posters, worksheets, STEM & play activities, and more! Here's more on what's included:
- Blue Jay Diet Poster
- What does a Blue Jay Eat Worksheet
- Coloring pages
- Puffin Book List & extension activities
- Let’s Draw Worksheet
- If I Were a Blue Jay Writing Sheet
- Vocabulary 4 Square Activity
- Ice Cream Cone Bird Feeder
- Peanut Butter & Banana Milkshake Recipe
- Book list
This is just a sample of our incredible Blue Jay unit! That you can purchase for $10 in our shop OR join our Bird of the Month Club to get it for just $7!
Click Here to Learn More About Our Bird of the Month Club
Here’s more on what’s included in the FULL UNIT:
- Booklist
- Informative readings covering blue jay facts, diet, nest, and anatomy
- Posters and flashcards of a bird's skeleton, subspecies of the blue jay, life cycle, anatomy, classification
- Maps: blue jay range map, geography maps
- Activity pages: Venn diagram Steller's jay vs. blue jay, world map, bird range map, Canada map, United States map, blue jay diet, life cycle, bird skeleton, creative writing, cupped nest, life cycle wheel
- Play mat scenes with cut-outs and coloring pages
- Nature journal
- Stem projects: making a cupped nest and bird feeder
- Geography maps and pages: United States, Canada, and world
- Blue jay habitat study
- Vocabulary word cards and activity page
- Bird traits research
- September bird and nest watching logs
- Recipe
This unit includes activities for all ages and can be completed in a family-style setting.
This is a digital product. No physical items will be sent.