Polar Bear Nature Study
Join us, as we embark on a fascinating study of the Polar Bear! This nature study includes over 100 pages of polar bear learning for the entire family, including:
Mammal Poster and Flashcards
Polar Bear Booklist
Polar Bear Fact Sheets
Polar Bear Life Cycle Resources (flashcards, writing activities, life cycle wheel, and cut and paste activities)
Polar Bear Anatomy (anatomy labeling sheets, writing and drawing prompt, and anatomy fact sheets)
Polar Bear Habitat & Conservation (habitat fact sheets and conservation activities)
Polar Bear Taxonomy ( taxonomy fact sheets and review and animal classification worksheet)
Polar Bear Diet (anatomy posters, fact sheet, and coloring page)
Polar Bear Maps (fact sheets, posters, writing prompt, and coloring pages)
Polar Bear Playmat and Coloring
Polar Bear Nature Journal
Polar Bear Sensory, Stem & Art (Polar Animals Sensory Bin, cotton ball polar bear craft, arctic animal homes stem, felt polar bear craft, paper polar bear craft & polar bear banner)
Polar Bear Recipes (polar bear waffles, polar bear pudding)
If you enjoy this unit, be sure to check out our Zoology Club, where you get brand-new animal study for just $7/mth! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!