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2024-2025 Homeschool Planner
  • 2024-2025 Homeschool Planner

    Our 2024-2025 For the Love of Homeschool Planner is here, and it is the perfect way to track your school year! Covering July 2024 to June 2025, each month features a month at a glance, a homeschool wishlist, a homeschool reality list, a field trip planner, weekly planner pages, and a monthly reflection.


    Additionally, there are a variety of helpful organizer pages such as daily routines, birthdays at a glance, password tracker, interest-led study prompt, holistic unit study planner pages, curriculum planner, a weekly meal planner, and more. This planner can be assembled to suit your needs and can either be spiral bound or used in a binder. It also includes 15 different cover options.


    * This is a digital resources. No physical item will be sent.


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